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Overview Gallery Minion

Cecilia is one of Moccamori's minions, unlocked at the start of Chapter 2: Seeds of Bonding.

She has no upgrade.


Moccamori’s clever right-hand. Throws bombs to deliver area attacks, or attacks all enemies with the Eye of Agamo. Can fire powerful beam when there is a single enemy.

MP Cost 15%
AGI Modifier 1
DMG Type Magic (all attacks)
Position Back

Cecilia has three types of attacks, listed in order of priority:

  1. All-Enemy Attack: If multiple enemies are present, shoots all enemies with the Eye of Agamo. (Targets all enemies rather than an area.)
  2. Bomb Toss: If one enemy is present, throws a bomb that deals low AoE damage.
  3. Eye of Agamo Blast: Every 5th single attack, instead of using Bomb Toss, Cecilia blasts the enemy with the Eye of Agamo for large damage.


Cecilia is your first magic damage minion. This means she may deal better damage against enemies with high DEF modifiers than the likes of Shukrina, Varon, or Ethan. She is also your first ranged-damage minion and can reach enemies that the previous three cannot.

For the most part, however, Cecilia's damage output is middling compared to Shukrina and Ethan (and potentially Varon if he tanks large hits). Her true value is her all-enemy attack—she targets all enemies individually, which guarantees that all enemies will get hit on her turn.

