Witch Spring Wiki

Soul Stones are magical items in the Witch Spring series, particularly used in Witch Spring 3 and Witch Spring 4. In both games, they absorb magical power to enhance its owner's powers; Eirudy's and Moccamori's both absorb energy from defeated enemies in order to power up.

Soul Stones are strengthened in different ways depending on its owner. For example, Luna's Moonstone is a type of Soul Stone that draws off the moon's power rather than from absorbing power from her opponents. Pieberry has Soul Stones on her wand and clothing, with an unknown source of power.[1]

In WS3, Eirudy uses them to awaken and upgrade her dolls, and the Soul Stone can restore her HP if it reaches 0. (See Soul Stone (Eirudy) for details.)

In WS4, defeating monsters also gathers energy. Moccamori can then use it to power up Agamo's Soul Stone, which in turn bolsters her stats in battle by a certain percent. (See Soul Stone (Agamo) for details.)


  1. TapTap interview, 2020-01-19 https://www.tap.io/topic/86935